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HomeCardinal Pin
  • The Cardinal Pin is a program designed to recognize VPPA members who are making the most of their VPPA memberships by participating in education and service to the Association. The pin can be earned annually.  Each year you begin with a clean slate.

    To earn a Cardinal Pin, you will need to acquire 12 Fellowship Units in one calendar year. If you are active in VPPA, you are probably already doing a ton of these activities, and we would like to recognize and celebrate your contributions.  Only VPPA sponsored activities are eligible for this award.

    Cardinal Pin Fellowship Units can be earned if you: (each line item is equal to 1 Fellowship Unit unless otherwise stated)

    • Attend a full-day VPPA workshop
    • Attend District VPPA Meetings (4 meetings equal 1 Fellowship Unit)
    • Attend PhotoConnect
    • Attend PhotoConnect Summer
    • Attend PhotoConnect Fall


  • Enter an VPPA Image Contest (August)
  • Enter the VPPA Image Competition (February/March)
  •  Enter the Annual Artisan Project

    Images do not need to earn a certain score to receive a Fellowship Unit. One Fellowship Unit is earned for entering each competition, regardless of the number of individual images entered.

    • Serve on a VPPA Committee
    • Serve on the Board of Directors
    • Serve as a District Officer
    • Serve on a temporary action team
    • Set up or clean up before/after an in-person event (PhotoConnect, Awards Banquet, Workshop, PhotoConnect Summer, PhotoConnect Fall)
    • Serve as an instructor for a VPPA Program
    • Assist with hosting or transportation for an out-of-town guest/speaker/judge
    • Write an article for our newsletter or contribute to website or social media content 

    Recruit 2 members who join VPPA (1 Fellowship Unit)

    The above list is not all-inclusive. Other activities may qualify; check with the Executive Secretary if you have any questions.   You can earn multiple units from the same category, but we hope you will participate in many activities which is how we grow, learn, and get the most out of our membership. 

    The Cardinal Pin Passport is available to download on this page.  We hope to create a digital transfer in the future.  In  December your District Director will collect your Passport if you have enough Fellowship Units to qualify.  Be sure to track your activities throughout the year, using the Passport.  Cardinal Pins will be distributed at our Annual Awards Banquet in February. 

    Remember, VPPA is what you make it—so make it great while you earn your VPPA Cardinal Pin.

    Note that the VPPA Cardinal Pin recognition is unrelated to our Degree Program. The Degree Program generally requires a few years of work to achieve, whereas a Cardinal Pin can be earned by any member each year.

Connecting Professional Photographers Through Education & Networking